The incidence of forced abortion of Manjeet Kaur of Jandi village reveals the true scenario of some rural parts of the country.
Despite the many efforts made by the government to 'Save Girl Child' and many other organizations in the country incidents of Female Foeticide haven't stopped in many regions. It is a shame for our society that even in this modern age some people still consider a girl child as a curse.
But the brutual assault and torture on the lady depicts the extent that some people can go to get rid of a girl child. It is just not a simple incident of aborting a girl child but an inhuman crime which has put a huge question mark on the safety of women within their own homes.
Such incidents of violence and cruelty are becoming a common place and makes one wonder what are we becoming and where are we heading.
Not just strict laws but their right implementation is important. But education and awareness remain to be the crucial and initial steps in saving the girl child.
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