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Showing posts from April, 2024

I genuinely thought this could work....

When it is time to get your shit together and run.  Photo: Peakpx I finally decided to go to therapy, when I literally felt like I had nowhere to go. I have always felt this sense of void that no one gets me. But what to do when you get that feeling from your therapist. There are actually very few people who can tell me what I don't wanna hear and I will listen. For instance, my counsellor can simply tell me what I need to hear without offending me but I end up leaving my therapy sessions hot and dry, craving a drink and anti-depressants.  You know all my life, I literally wanted one person who gets me and understand me and I genuinely am too tired of getting it wrong every single time that I am genuinely exhausted. I really wish somebody would just see the pain and exhaustion in my eyes, probably sit by my side and just listen. Someone who values me beyond my right and wrong.  I am honestly tired of people telling me to change myself, even if it is because they hate to

Firefly in my dark hour

As I come back from work and sit down with my thoughts, it is literally like my chakravayu. I usually have so much to speak and only walls as listeners, so it easily gets converted into overthinking. But for a change, something really nice came out of it tonight, just sharing it below...a little draft of my heart ... Photo:  Enchanted Woodland Kingdom of Glowing Fireflies जब मैंने पीछे मुड़कर देखा तो उन नज़्म और तोहफ़ों में न बस मेरी आवाज थी पर रूह के टुकड़े बिखरे पड़े थे मेरे। सच पूछो तो अगर दोबारा जी सकूं, सब तोहफ़ों को अपने पास रहने दूंगी शायद। न खुद को पूरा करने की कोशिश करूंगी बस खुद पे और ज्यादा मेहनत करूंगी। जो वक्त बुरा हो तो किस ने लौटाई मोहब्बत मेरी, एक रिक्त स्थान सा है, पर जो रूह शांत और शुक्रगुजार हो तो बुरे लोगों से मिलना और उससे भी अधिक उनका रह पाना न याद है मुझे।  PS -  (I think I kept loving so intently because that's the most validation I got).  ... This one is a jumbled piece...but today I am simply too tired to process it nicely, so please bear with