Date - 26/09/2017
Today it was just a usual day but I was finally very happy with the way I spent my day. I woke up a little early today and went for the morning walk.
There was so much of my blog posts that were pending so I posted a little in the evening yesterday and completed my posts on the Cultural Exchange Program today in the morning. Since there wasn't nothing really important that had happened on the last two days so I skipped it and wanted to start afresh from today.
In the Strategy Management class we got a treat from our Professor for keeping perfect attendance and good response in the class. She was very generous and we were definitely very happy about it.😁😁
Gachon Festival started today. It is the annual fest of Gachon University that continues for three days. Major event for the day was Taekwandoo Show from 17:00 - 19:00.
Our class finishes at six so we couldn't see the entire thing but we saw a part of it while coming back to our dormitory. We were impressed by their performance and enjoyed it.
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