Finally I got my first perfect score in a Korean test. We learnt about the dates and times in Korean. I also have to revise countings for my test tomorrow.
There is gonna be so many of our memories from the Korean class itself. I think I am improving and I am feeling great about it.
Today we did went to see things but there were some gaming competitions and food stalls in the ground. Since there wasn't much to do or see, we came back after sometime. But all of us (especially the foreign students) are really excited about tomorrow's main event.
Talking of the food stalls it was really nice and there were a lot of people were having fun but I cannot personally eat a lot of things and then it was expensive and we want to enjoy it tomorrow when all of us would be together.
I also saw a Korean movie Baby and me after dinner. It was the first Korean movie I have actually watched entirely since I don't watch a lot of movies. It was nice.
Honestly I have tried watching Korean movies or shows before but then I always leave it in middle. KPop is nice but I have just began to listen it when I came here and that too not very often.
I love writing but writing blog posts so frequently does require effort and time. Not as much as I should have but I am still glad that I have wrote this much.
It would be hard to remember so many things when I get back but there are so many of my memories preserved beautifully in this blog.
Sometimes it feels like writing a diary and helps me to honestly reflect back on my days and I have always seen it as a great habit. I think writing on a regular basis alao improves your writing skills. There is so much to learn but I can still feel the little change in my writing style within the last year. Now I am beginning to identify things that I could never see before. So yeah its good. 😊😊😊
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